Monday afternoon Nikki Sixx from Motley Crue and the new band Sixx A.M. was in Taylor signing copies of his new book and CD at Borders.
Nikki started early and signed for more than 325 fans before being forced to depart for the airport. Unfortunately that left more than 100 people who got stuck waiting without an autograph.
The photo is Suzy Cole and I with Nikki in the back office.

Guitar hero (and Chop Shop Hall of Fame member) Steve Vai was in town this past Saturday.
Steve and I have known each other for almost 13 years, but we don’t get the chance to sit and talk very often, so it was nice to do that.
We talked for 20 minutes on the record, and spent another 40 minutes off the record, catching up on life.
As for the on-the record stuff, Steve Will be my guest in Chop Shop Classic in 2 weeks and on the WRIF version of the Chop Shop in a few weeks. We will also be offering the full interview unedited to the Chop Shop email club next month. You can sign up at
As for the show…it was pretty outstanding. Very fun to see Steve play with the 2 electric violinists.
¶ 4:56 PM
Live on remote

The last 4 Sunday’s I’ve been at live broadcasts.
One week I’m at the Renaissance festival, then the Belle Isle Grand Prix (That’s Gene Simmons at the race in the photo I took), we did the Lion’s home opener per-game and this last Sunday was at Warrenfest with Ashes of Soma and the Howling Diablo’s.
This weekend it’s a perfect 10 weekend and I’ll be back at the studio.
Get your Perfect 10 lists in and listen!
¶ 4:53 PM
Monday, September 03, 2007
This Friday
The Sabrina Black Foundation awards dinner is this Friday. Please make it out for a wonderful night if you can (full details below).
We will be awarding a check to pay off the hospital bills for a lady named Laura who has stage 4 lung cancer. Laura is from St. Clair Shores. She has 2 kids and a husband, who recently lost his job due to the awful Michigan economy. Laura is on leave from her job while receiving chemotherapy and radiation treatments.
I hope to see you this Friday.
¶ 3:35 PM