Sunday, February 26, 2006
5 Golden Wings
 Nick Lidstrom get's the game winning goal, Zetterburg and Kronwall also scored goals. Holmstrom and Samulson also played big roles as team Sweden beat Finland 3-2 to win gold.
NHL hockey starts back up in 2 days....the trade deadline is just 11 days away, and the playoff are just around the corner.
I'm now accepting apologies. 2 weeks ago when I made the bold prediction that Sweden would win the gold, and Canada would finish no better than Bronze, and might not get any hockey medels....several Canadains sent rude and mean spirited that I'm right and they were wrong....I'll be waiting for those apologies.
All in all itt was an exciting tournament. I'm looking forward to getting everyone back home (NHL home anyway) and see how the season ends.
Black out.
¶ 10:23 AM
Friday, February 24, 2006
Good shows on the way

It looks like there are some pretty good concerts on the way. March 18th W.A.S.P. is at Harpos. I've been listening to alot of WASP latley, it has really hit the spot....can you say "Tormentor". The Cult have been reassembled and will play the Emerald the following night, Sunday the 19th.....I just realized I've never seen the Cult? Brian May (Chop Shop Hall of Fame member) and Queen with Paul Rodgers are at the Palace on March 24th....Any chance to see a legend like Brian May must be acted on! Buckethead is coming back to town. He will be at the Magic Stick on April 3rd....I took that photo of him and his chicken last time he was in town. Rob Zombie, and more importantly his guitarist John5 will be at the State on April 7th. And guitar lovers will unite when Joe Satriani and Eric Johnson play the State on April 9th.....I guess we can call it G2. Black out.
¶ 7:52 AM
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
online auction
 Kenny Olson and The Flask at the Sabrina Black benefit. As you know the benefit was a great night for everyone who braved the weather and made their way to the Emerald Theatre. We did end up with a few items left over, and you can bid on them now on ebay. The link is below. Thanks,
¶ 8:28 PM
Monday, February 20, 2006
Sabrina Benefit & update

Thank you everyone! Sabrina’s benefit on Thursday night was wonderful. The list of people to thank is just huge, but let us start with all of you who came out to the Emerald last Thursday. Thanks for being part of our lives. Also none of it would have happened without Doug Podell, Carly Johnston, Mark Pennington and the ENTIRE staff of America’s #1 rock station WRIF.
If you didn’t make the party, there will be an online auction coming soon to help us in this endless fight against cancer. We even have a few commemorative T-shirts left. The Chop Shop Clothing Company made up some very limited T-Shirts to help us (pictured). The list goes on and on, how can you thank so many people without boring everyone else?
Anyway, on with the latest in Sabrina news. 2 days after the amazing benefit I had to take her to emergency. Sabrina was having a hard time breathing. It turns out she has phenomena and that led to congestive heart failure. She spent Sunday in I.C.U. but has since bounced back a little and is in a normal room at Karmanos.
Please keep the prayers coming; you are a big part of how she has survived this long!
Black out.
¶ 4:31 PM
Sunday, February 12, 2006
 Olympic hockey…..It’s like a nice ply-off run right in the middle of the season! I even broke out my vintage 1980 jersey.
I'm a big believer that hockey champions are born from goaltending and depth. The team with the most depth is Canada, followed by Sweden. The team with the best goalie, is the Czech Republic with Domink Hasek, followed by Canada, who will probably use Marty Brodeur. So based on that you would think I’d pick Canada to win the Gold medal? Nope I’m taking Sweden.
They’ve got it all, skill, depth, desire and yes this year a solid goaltender in Henrik Lundqvist.
I also think the whole Gretzky/gambling thing will be a distraction for Canada, and Hasek has beaten them before in this high-pressure format. So I think Canada can be beaten, I like Sweden to win Gold, the Czech’s to win Silver and Canada in a tuff game over Finland to take the Bronze.
Where is team USA you ask? I see them as a team on the same level as Finland, & Russia, a good team but not as amazing as the top 3. The biggest problem with team USA appears to be in goal, with DiPietro, Esche and Grahame. That just can’t stand up to the other top teams.
Look for team USA to have a strong team in 4 years, led by former Michigan State goaltender Ryan Miller.
Good luck to all the Red Wings.
Black Out.
¶ 8:10 AM
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Sabrina Benefit

With all of the craziness the last couple of weeks leading up to the Super Bowl, I have not had a chance to blog about the Sabrina benefit coming up on the 16th of February.
On December 30th Sabrina (my wonderful wife) had a seizure and has been hospitalized 3 times already this year. The running theory is that a combination of problems caused the seizure. She has a history of cancer in the brain, her head was exposed to radiation to treat that cancer, she is currently on a low dose of chemotherapy, plus if you factor in the low blood pressure and anemia, perhaps her brain just shorted out.
The good news is that the last couple of weeks she has been getting back to her usual self. She is in a decent amount of pain, but her brain seems to be functioning very well, and the doctors have successfully treated the seizure (knock on wood).
The Sabrina Black Benefit will be on the 16th at the Emerald Theatre with live music from The Flask, featuring former Kid Rock guitarist Kenny Olson. Plus Ray Street Park, The Look, Dirty Americans, Paper Street Saints and the Brian Schram Band…who have agreed to let me and 2 of Detroit’s top guitarists Paul Kramer and Sean Baker come on stage for a 1 song jam!
There will also be both live and silent auctions featuring autographed items from the Rolling Stones, Rush, Ted Nugent, Audioslave, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Judas Priest, Disturbed and more. Also several other items like one of a kind artwork and jewelry and even a sky diving adventure will be auction off.
Sabrina and I owe a huge THANK YOU to Doug Podell, Mark Pennington, Carly Johnston and the entire staff at WRIF. They have work very hard to make this a first class, fun and exciting evening!
We would also like to thank John Bebow at the Free Press, Alex Abate at the Oakland Press and of course Neal Rubin who has followed our story for the last 6 years. Stony & Wojo at WDFN, and Doug & Art at WXYT.
Thanks also to John Rios at Grafix Jam, Maui Rick at Atlas Jewelers, Pegasus Parachuting, The Goalie’s Den, The Emerald Ballroom, and all the bands who have donated items or their talents. I know there is a lot more to this list but you’ll understand if I’ve not had a chance to review everything just yet.
Finally Sabrina wanted to make sure that we thank all the listeners. You have become our extended family. Some of you have been listening and emailing Sabrina sine her days at WDFN and The Bear. You can’t imagine the impact you and your prayers have made on our lives, and we can’t wait to see you all on the 16th at the Emerald in Mt. Clemons, to have a lot of fun and thank you in person...
¶ 6:30 PM
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