Saturday, July 30, 2005
Ready for a busy week!

This week will be one to remember for me. I have at least 10 Chop Shop interviews set up for the next 7 days. I’ll be siting down with Chris & Matt from 3 Doors Down on Tuesday, as well as Mike Mushok from Stained and Ben Burnley from Breaking Benjamin if our scheduling works out. Then there is Ozzfest; I should be talking with Tony Iommi form Black Sabbath, as well as Brother Zakk Wylde whom I’ve known for many years (Photo: Me & Zakk on the tour bus). I’ll also be getting some footage with Detroit’s own John5. And next Saturday I have time booked with Warren DiMartini of Ratt, Jeff LaBar of Cinderella and Mick Jones of Foreigner!
Also this upcoming week, I’ll be hosting the WRIF winners who will be go-cart racing at Kart to Kart with 3 Doors Down on Tuesday. Wednesday night at 10pm I’m hosting a WRIF bash at the Blarney Stone (check the events page for details and location). Thursday is Ozzfest. Friday I’m in for Arthur P.
Oh and did I mention it’s my birthday week as well. Officially Friday, but I’ll be celebrating it Thursday at Ozzfest.
A final note, I'm now up and running on You can find me there with the 'RIF email address.
Black out.
¶ 1:47 PM
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
All The Best Darren #25

The Red Wings may have forgotten that Darren McCarty was a vital part of the Red Wing's 3 Stanley Cups, but the fans never will. I understand that tough decisions have to be made in the new NHL, but to give up the best public relations guy on your team at a time when ALL NHL teams should be reaching out to their fans is not the smartest move. D-Mac was the one guy who always put the fans first. Add to that the fact that his contract was less that 2 million a season, and his ability to check, play defense, drop the gloves and score HUGE goals.....It doesn't make much sense to me. Thanks for the memories Darren, THE Stanley cup goal against the Flyers; restoring Red Wing pride by trouncing Coward Lemieux; scoring the o.t. goal in that same ; making the "grind line" a household name; the one punch knock-out of Mark Tinordi; and always taking the time to toss a puck to the deserving fans. All the best in Chicago, Columbus or wherever you end up. Black out.
¶ 11:55 AM
Sunday, July 24, 2005
7/24/05 Sunday's Detroit News
Neal Rubin wrote a fantastic artice on the struggles that Sabrina (my wife) and I have had to face over the last 6 years. Neal and the Detroit news have been very kind to us.
The following is the online version of the story if you would like to read it. Just copy the link and paste it into your broser.
Black out
¶ 1:35 PM
Saturday, July 23, 2005
7/23/05 Motley Crue

Mick Mars from Motley Crue called the ‘RIF last week and we talked about their upcoming show on August 24th at the "Energy Knob".
Mick was in good spirits, and we talked about his health and that he and the whole band are getting along now better that ever.
You can listen to the interview by clicking on the audio link at the top of this page.
Of course, I asked him a few Chop Shop questions as well, and that will air on 8/14/05 at 9am on WRIF.
Motley Crue is the 5th biggest moneymaking tour of 2005 so far, so I guess their timing was dead on.
Black Out
¶ 9:28 AM
Monday, July 18, 2005
Sabrina update 7/18/05
The wonderful people of the Detroit area are often asking me how my wife Sabrina is doing in her fight against cancer. So here is the latest update from Sabrina herself.
ALOHA! Lots of things have happened since my last update, so here goes. The latest news was not good. (It seems like I say that every time, but here I am, still living). I've got a very large lymph node in my neck which seemed to be shrinking for a while with the Gemzar chemotherapy, and then started to feel like it was getting larger. I had some other symptoms as well, night sweats and this recurring phantom pain in both sides where the leg bone meets the pelvic bone. Dr. Zonder moved up my CaT scan, so we could get it in before I did another Gemzar treatment, because his thought was, if the Gemzar's not working, why suffer through another week of it? As it turned out, skipping it was a good thing, but the reason why wasn't. The Gemzar's effectiveness had worn off, and my CaT Scan showed growth in nearly all of the places I have tumours-stomach, pelvic region and chest. Dr. Zonder came to the table with a few choices for continuing treatment, and we decided to go with a low dose of Taxol. My first treatment is tomorrow, and I'll do that once a week for as many weeks in a row that my blood counts are good, and my body is tolerating the treatment well. The worst side effect of Taxol is apparently neuropathy, where you lose sensation in your hands and feet. I've already had it due to the Graft Vs. Host Disease, meaning it will probably show up early on in the treatment. They are literally scratching their heads down at Karmanos trying to figure out what to do with me. After all, Hodgkin's Disease is "The easiest cancer to cure." At least that's what we were told when this whole thing started back in February of 2000. After several rounds of chemo cocktails, radiation 3 different times, 2 Bone Marrow Transplants and all the crap that goes along with having cancer, I STILL have active disease. So now they're experimenting, trying to find something that will smash this stupid cancer down. As long as I get to keep on living with a high quality of life, I'm pretty much up for anything. I do have a couple items of good news. I saw my cardiologist last week, and Dr. Glazier gave me the very good news that my ejection fraction is up to 35% from an all-time low of 7% in the winter of '03-'04. That's the percentage of how efficiently your heart pumps fluid away from itself. The meds are working. Also, I got the go-ahead from both Dr. Zonder & Dr. Glazier to go ahead and skydive again this summer! WOOHOO!! The 3rd Annual Easa Family Jump will happen sometime in late August after my little brother Joe turns 18, 'cuz he wants in on that amazing adrenalin rush. Since they don't seem to think I'm going to drop dead of a heart attack, I'm in! (Get it? DROP dead.) Lots of the love goes to my amazing husband Steve who puts up with all my whiny crap and pulls us through the hard times. My family, friends and listeners get plenty of credit, too. I wouldn't be here now without all the good vibes I get from you. Peace & Love, Sabrina
If you wish to contact Sabrina, you may email me and I'll pass it along. Black out.
¶ 9:56 PM
Sunday, July 17, 2005
7/17/05 This Week
Greetings everyone, I get the pleasure of filling in for Meltdown this week! So feel free to shoot me an email for "Rip & Rock" at 9:00pm and "Mandatory Metallica" at 10:00 all this week. The address is
My only apperence this week, (as I'm working nights) is Friday afternoon, noon to 2pm at a Cingular Wireless location (check the events page for full details).
May I talk hockey for a moment? The NHL draft lottery, for the chance to select Sidney Crosby (the next big thing) 1st overall is this Thursday. The teams with the best statistical chance of winning the lottery are Buffalo, Columbus, Pittsburgh and New York. Most conspiracy theorists think Sidney will go to the Rangers (#1 market in North America) or Pittsburgh to play with Mario and maybe save that franchise? I think, for the sake of Hockey, Crosby's best fit is Chicago. Chicago is also a huge market, and the Blackhawks need help big time. Either way we will know on Thursday evening. Black out.
¶ 3:36 PM
Friday, July 15, 2005
7/15/05 Welcome back NHL
First and foremost, welcome back to the NHL. I grew up a hockey fan like most kids in Michigan, and until 2 years ago I proudly claimed it to be my #1 sport.
Hockey has not been what it used to be, there have been so many BAD changes to the game. In recent years we’ve seen the defensive clutch and grab style of play, the stupid instigator rule, and the leagues failure to call interference led them to making up a new rule, which is EXACTLY the same as the old rule, and calling it obstruction…and then ignoring that rule as well. And now we get to look forward to the exciting, but incredibly inappropriate shoot-ous, and the big mistake of removing the red line, which will force coaches to keep defencemen back and limit their contribution to scoring. Add to that the greed & Stupidity of canceling an entire season and the NHL has been replace by the NFL, as may favorite league.
But even with all that, I find I’m still pretty excited by the news. I look forward to watching those first games on TV (you can’t expect me to give them any of my money…yet) and all the great hockey conversations with friends and family. NHL Hockey was missed, as screwed up as it as been, it will be great to see the Red Wings back on the ice.
My prediction by the way is Sidney Crosby goes to Chicago to revive a huge TV market and an original 6 team.
Black Out.
¶ 9:42 AM
Friday, July 08, 2005
 The Rest Stop movie, coming soon.
¶ 8:16 PM
7/8/05 A Movie Called The Rest Stop
Several weeks ago, while eating dinner before the Mars Volta show at the State Theatre I met a Writer/Director/Actor named Rich Hardacre. Rich just happened to be filming a murder movie based on real murders that took place in rest stops through out the U.S.
I know what you’re thinking; I somehow weaseled my way into the movie, right? Not exactly. In-fact I told rich unless he had a need for someone to be a voice on a radio station, I would be worthless to him, seeing as I have no acting abilities of any kind.
As it turned out there was indeed a need for a radio voice….2 as it turned out. So both my wife Sabrina and I have donated our voices to the cause. We both recorded our parts and have put them in the hands of our director, or is that producer?
Either way we wish Rich and his crew all the best. You can’t imagine how much hard work goes into a low budget independent film. I’ll post a release date when the movie is finished..
Black Out.
¶ 8:13 PM
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
 Chop Shop Hall of Fame is accepting votes.
¶ 4:53 PM
7/6/05 Chop Shop Hall of Fame.
As you may have discovered by now I host a one hour weekly guitar show called the Chop Shop. As of today I’m asking all music fans to elect a guitar player each month into the Chop Shop Hall of Fame. Once elected their will be a separate page on the site with exclusive art work and audio about each Hall of Fame member.
If you would like to vote in this the first ever Chop Shop election go to Thanks for your vote.
Black out.
¶ 4:50 PM
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
7/5/05 Guitar list
The other day Tiny asked me to give him a top 10 list of my all-time favorite guitar solos. I told him that was impossible, but then I started to think of a few that really stood out in my mind.
So keeping in mind that this is not a deeply researched list, but rather a collection of songs that any guitarist or passionate musician must have in their collection, here it is. Also please note that I could not find it in my heart to exclude instrumentals so there are two lists…in no particular order.
Great Solos
Comfortably Numb – Pink Floyd Heaven & Hell – Black Sabbath Mama I’m Coming Home – Ozzy Ghost In The Ruins – Savatage Shapes of Things (Live) – Gary Moore Don’t Tell Me You Love Me – Night Ranger Powerslave – Iron Maiden Let Me Go Rock & Roll (Live) – Kiss Wisdom – TNT I’m The One – Van Halen A Fool For Your Stockings – ZZ Top Still My Bleeding Heart – Steve Vai
Great Instrumentals
For The Love Of God – Steve Vai Kings of Sleep – Stu Hamm Icarus’ Dream Suite, Opus 4 – Yngwie Malmsteen Hibernation (Live) – Ted Nugent The Snake – Joe Satriani The Explorer – Shotgun Messiah The Loner – Gary Moore Little Wing – Stevie Ray Vaughn Cryin’ – Joe Satriani Echoes – Vinnie Moore Guitar Shop – Jeff Beck Clifs of Dover – Eric Johnson
That is all I’ve got off the top of my head. Black Out.
¶ 10:14 PM
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