Tuesday, May 31, 2005
A good weekend.
I hope your Memorial Day Weekend was as pleasant as mine. The 'RIF really mixed things up on this "Shuffle" weekend and I got to play some incredible music that I had not played in quite some time.
As for the actual Memorial Day, I hosted a small BBQ with my wife Sabrina. Just sitting around with some good friends (including Screamin' Scott) eating burgers and turkey dogs. Then I was on the air from 7 to midnight, while Meltdown got his well-deserved day off.
WRIF always takes the time to salute our soldiers, all the men and women in harms way are talked about and appreciated everyday around here. I'd like to add all the police officers, firefighters, coast guard and others who work hard to protect and serve...your efforts are not overlooked.
Now a salute to my family members in uniform.
My Marine, brother-in-law Tony who is currently serving in Fallujah, Iraq; My sister-in-law Reesie who serves abroad the James E. Williams in the Navy; and my one and only nephew Tony Easton who is also a member of the Navy. Tony is enrolled in submarine school in Connecticut. My thoughts and prayers are with you, be safe and keep your fellow military personnell safe as well.
Black out.
¶ 12:27 PM
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
 SOAD, Audioslave, The Mars Volta & Mattias IA Eklundh album covers
¶ 3:23 PM
5/18/05 New music is sounding good.
It seems like all of a sudden there is a lot of great music hitting the stores. I have a full copy of the new Audioslave CD, "Out Of Exile" and it is outstanding. The guitar solo on the title track is sick! Look for "Doesn’t Remind Me" to be a huge hit.
Also pretty new to my CD player is "Frances The Mute" from The Mars Volta. The music is kind of indescribable. Let’s call it progressive, jazz, salsa rock. It is very original, twisted and addictive, I might add. If you missed their show at the State Theatre last Sunday, fear not, The Mars Volta will be back late this summer with System of A Down.
Did I mention SOAD? What a strange new CD that is. "Mezmerize" is an acquired taste to say the least but when the mood strikes it is awesome! By now you have probably heard "B.Y.O.B." be sure to check out "Radio/Video" a bad song that sticks with you…you’ll be singing it all day long.
Also I can’t wait to hear the full Foo Fighters CD "In Your Honor". The first single "Best of You" really smokes. And guitar junkies "Freak Guitar" by Matthias IA Eklundh is the best instrumental album to come out in years. Did you notice all these albums/bands have killer guitar work? Me too. Black Out.
¶ 3:18 PM
Sunday, May 15, 2005
 Michael Anthony, Steve Black and Sammy Hagar backstage at the Fox Theatre
¶ 8:49 AM
5/15/05 Sammy Hagar.
Man oh man, last Thursday the ‘RIF was all over the State and Fox theatre! Sammy Hagar and Michael Anthony were in town for a huge WRIF concert or I guess when Sammy is involved you can just call it a party.
Arthur P. was broadcasting live, Screamin’ Scott took a ride in Sammy’s new Ford GT, Doug Podell was in charge of the Tequila, Mike Staff brought the band on stage…..all & all a huge ‘RIF bash.
I was lucky enough to go backstage and talk with Michael & Sam for WRIF and the Chop Shop. The WRIF interview should be available in the audio part of the website, and the Chop Shop show will air on June 24th, 9am on 101 WRIF. Sammy expressed his gratitude to his long time fans saying "Detroit has always been there for me. Detroit and especially Doug Podell and the ‘RIF have had my back since the Montrose days, and I’ll never forget it." Black Out.
¶ 8:31 AM
Thursday, May 05, 2005
 Joe Perry CD
¶ 6:18 PM
5/5/05 Joe Perry guitar tab.
As you may know Joe Perry has a new solo CD out, and in honor of the Chop Shop’s 1-year anniversary he is allowing listeners to download the official guitar tab on the Chop Shop website!
Check it out at www.chopshopradio.net or you can go to the WRIF home page, and click on JOX and then STEVE BLACK web page.
Joe Perry will be my special guest on the Chop Shop anniversary show (thanks to Doug) on Sunday, May 15th at 9am on WRIF. Live it up. Black Out.
¶ 6:15 PM
Monday, May 02, 2005
 Susan cuts the birthday cake with Slash, Dave and Matt from Velvet Revolver looking on.
¶ 5:55 PM
5/2/05 Velvet Revolver
It was a big night at the Palace on Saturday. I made it to Slash’s hotel at 3:30 in the afternoon to do a WRIF and Chop Shop interview. Slash was in good spirits and excited to be on the Chop Shop again.
The band and their manager, Tim Duffy invited me to the show, but seeing as it was a Saturday night, I had other obligations in the form of "Amped On The 80s" so I had to pass. Tim & Slash decided that wasn’t good enough, so they invited me to the aftershow birthday party for Duff’s wife Susan.
I got off the air at midnight, buzzed home to pick up Sabrina and we made it to the party in time for a late night bite and some birthday cake. Slash, Duff and Dave all commented on the energy of the crowd, and thought it was a very good show.
Thanks again to Tim and Slash for taking the time, Sabrina & I had a great time. Black Out.
¶ 5:50 PM
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