A record breaking day of rock $ roll at Rock on the Range!
11:00am: The first interview of the day was with Anthony Armstrong of the band Red. We recorded our conversation behind the 2nd stage….no big deal except there was no where to sit, so we wandered over to a giant rock and sat down. My first rock & roll interview, while actually sitting on a rock
11:15am: I scrambled back to the media tent and my crew uploaded the audio and still photos, and emailed them to WRIF, to be posted on the website. I was on the phone confirming additional interviews
12:00pm: It was back to the 2nd stage area, this time on a tour bus to interview both guitarists and bass player for the band 10 Years.
12:20pm: Back to the media tent, more uploading!
12:30pm: Joel O’Keefe from Airbourne made his way to the WRIF/Chop Shop table. Joel is a real high energy Australian guitarist, who LOVES Iron Maiden…naturally we got along very well.
1:00pm: with a quick break in the action, as the team uploaded and emailed, I grabbed a grease burger and some chips.
1:30pm: Kill Switch Engage came into the media tent. I sat down with guitarist Joel Stroetzel to tall about their recent success.
2:00pm: Tyler and David from Theory of a Deadman were escorted to our table. This was the 5th interview of the day, and the 5th 1st time interview of the day for me. Tyler and David were cool, and I really like their new album.
3:00pm: Next up is Staind, I got to talk with both Aaron and Mike. Mike had been on the Chop Shop before, but it’s the 1st time I had talked to Aaron.
3:45pm: One of the highlights of the day as I went back stage to talk with Serj Tankian. Serj is a very learned and eclectic person, and it’s always a treat to talk with someone of his intellect.
4:30pm: Onto the Disturbed tour bus to talk to Dan Donagin. This was the 5th time I’ve interviewed Dan, and the 5th season of the Chop Shop…..I love how that works!
4:50pm: Shinedown stops by the media tent. Former Silvertide guitarist and good friend Nick Perri is now in the band and it really great to see him looking happy and healthy.
5:15pm: My crew managed to grab Richard Patrick of Filter, and I got to talk to him about their powerful new song Soldier of Misfortune.
5:30pm: My 11th interview of the day is with Finger 11 guitarist Rick Jackett. Rick is fired up and loves to talk guitars!
6:00pm: I take a deep breath and enjoy my new personal record of 11 interviews in 7 hours.
¶ 12:04 PM
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