Monday, September 11, 2006
9/11 Five years ago

5 years ago today I got a call from my wife Sabrina who was in the Hospital down at Karmanos. She had just received a bone marrow transplant 4 days before and she was on some pretty nasty drugs, so when she told me to "turn on theTV, somebody blew up New York" I said "No baby, nobody blew up New York, your just having some dreams, or it’s the drugs". I told her I was finishing up some radio research at home and I’d be down to see her in an hour. She insisted she wasn’t hallucinating and asked me to turn on the TV.
By that time all 3 planes had already hit their targets. I got off the phone and got myself caught up on the situation as quickly as I could. About 15 minutes later I called my father in Arizona, he was watching along with the rest of the country. The channel I had on must have been 15 seconds ahead of what my father was watching. I saw the first tower crumble to the ground. I said "Oh my God the building just went down!" Dad said "what building? What channel?" followed by "Oh No, oh God". He said something to my mother, and I said "dad all those fireman, ambulances, all the rescue worker were there. We just watched them all die." We stayed on the phone for a while longer but I don’t remember anything else.
I got my stuff together and went to the hospital. Sabrina was doing fine. She was floating in and out of things and just needed to know I’d be o.k. if Detroit got "Blown up". My program director at the time Jay Nachlis, called and said the radio station was carrying national coverage and to take the day off. I declined. One of the reasons I got into and love radio so much is that we get to be a voice of and to the community. We get to connect with people of all walks on all kinds of different levels.
Jay said I could come in if I insisted, but the building was being evacuated, I’d be the only one there. I said that’s fine and went to do my air-shift. I should have known that Jay would still be there. At this point in time no one knew that there were only 4 planes total and no more attacks were coming.
I don’t have too many other memories of 9/11, like the rest of the world I was pretty numb.
The photo is of Sabrina and I in 1998 in Battery Park, with the twin towers behind us. And here we are 5 years later, both towers and my lovely wife are no longer with us, but my spirit to serve the community and passion for freedom still remain.
God Bless America and R.I.P. also to my Grandfather, who died on 9/11 of 2000, one year before 9/11 changed it’s meaning.
Steve Black
¶ 10:03 AM
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